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Adult Dance Intensives 2024 Program

January, April, June, November

This year, we kicked off January with a three-day dance intensive.  It went so well, and we had such great feedback, that we've decided to offer this amazing opportunity for adult dancers to engage in intensive dance days to experience immersing yourself in the movement you love, and doing something for yourself. 

Stay up-to-date by checking out our key dates and signing up to our mailing list to get updates about the intensives as more details become available.

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Participants in our Summer Intensive, held January 2024

Intensive Dates

Autumn Ballet Intensive, Easter Monday, 1 April 2024

Winter Theatre Intensive, King's birthday weekend, 8 to 10 June 2024

Spring Contemporary Intensive, Sunday 3 November 2024

Summmer Intensive, Monday 6 to Friday 10 January 2025

Winter Adult Theatre Intensive

Monday 10 June
(King's Birthday long weekend)

In June, we held our Winter Intensive for Adult Jazz & tap Dancers

Two day intensive on Sunday 9 & Monday 10 June

(King's Birthday Long Weekend)

The focus of our Winter intensive was be jazz and tap. Dancers had the chance to explore different elements and styles of both jazz and tap.

Tap Shoes


During the two-day intensive, dancers had the chance to deepen their understanding of rhythm, improve their technique, and learn choreography in a variety of different jazz and tap styles.​

Daily overview


We started each day with a warmup, followed by practical dance sessions in the morning. In the middle of each day there were seminars with our intensive teachers as panelists so dancers could rest their bodies and deepen their knowledge and understanding of these dance forms.

Learn choreographed routines

During the day, dancers had the opportunity to dabble in the rich diversity of jazz and tap dance. We held several sessions in various sub-styles designed to introduce dancers to the fundamentals and teach them ome choreography in a short routine, and highlight each style's distinctive flair.

Technique and conditioning sessions

Seminars and rhythm sessions

These seminars and sessions were crafted to not only teach but also immerse dancers in the rhythmic foundations that make jazz and tap dance so compelling and expressive.

Download our intensive brochure for more details on the program.


Winter Theatre Intensive Schedule

Each day starts 9am and ends 5pm​

Winter Intensive Teachers

Dancers at our Winter Theatre Intensive will have the chance to learn from the jazz and tap teachers from Dragonfly Dance.

Jo McDonald

Read bio

Owen Gray

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Krystal Venables

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Camila Saraiva

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Full program $275

One day, or one dance style $150

One day, one dance style $110

Bookings are now closed

On Easter Monday, we held our

Autumn Adult Ballet Intensive

In April, we held our
Autumn Intensive
for Adult Ballet Dancers

One day intensive on Monday 1 April

(Easter Monday)

The focus of our Autumn intensive was ballet. Participants had the chance to explore diferent elements of ballet in depth, including port de bras, turns, allegro, pointe/demi pointe, and more

Modern Ballet Dancers_edited_edited.jpg


Program outline


​The program was a full day of workshops focussing on different elements of ballet.  The day included:

  • an hour ballet barre to start the day and get you warm

  • 30-45 minute sessions giving dancers the chance to deep dive into different elements of ballet, including:

    • port de bras / adage,

    • turns,

    • pointe/demi pointe, and

    • allegro

  • option to choose between a partnering workshop (to be confirmed) and variation (ballet solo) workshop

There were also be:

  • plenty of breaks in between each session that gave dancers some down time

  • wind down session to chat with other participants, and enjoy some nibbles and drinks at the studio

April Intensive Teachers

Dancers at our Ballet Intensive learnt from four amazing ballet teachers who shares their passion and expertise to helped  dancers grow on their ballet journey, and offered  a wonderful experience at the intensive.


Early Bird (until 17 March) $130

Regular (from 18 March) $156

Bookings now closed

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