Jobs in dance
work with us
Current vacancies
Part time receptionist
Would you love to have a part time job working in a dance studio and helping adults find joy, social connection, and greater wellbeing?
We are looking for a part time receptionist (9 hours per week - Monday evening, Friday morning, alternate Saturdays) to help create a welcoming, encouraging, and supportive experience for dancers and support our Client Relationship Team.
Applications close 5pm Friday 12 July 2024.
Interviews will be held in the week Monday 22 to Friday 26 July
Successful applicant is expected to commence on Monday 5 August (negotiable).
How to apply
Step 1: Download and read the job description
Step 2: Email an application including a covering letter (which can be an attachment or in the body of the email) and a resumé to jo@dragonflydance.com.au
Please include
Your contact details, including phone number and email address
Details of relevant education, training, skills, qualifications, and experience
Reason why you are interested in the role
Reason why are a good fit for the job
Name and contact details (phone and email) of three referees
Applicants are required to submit their application as requested, including via email and providing all requested documents (covering letter, resume, etc.), by the specified due date. Failure to do so may result in the application not being considered.
Join Our Substitute Teacher Pool
Calling all passionate dance teachers! Join our substitute teacher pool and be part of our dynamic team. As a member of our pool, you'll have the chance to fill in for teachers on leave, participate in in-house training, and be invited to additional dance events, and be amongst the first in line for future ongoing jobs with us.
We are a vibrant dance studio that specialises in adult dancers, located in Everard Park, just outside Adelaide CBD, in a beautiful, heritage-listed building with ample space for creativity and growth.
Take the first step towards joining our amazing teaching team by downloading the
Job Information pack.
No application closing date as we need to fill the vacancy as soon as possible, and will continue to take applications for our substitute pool.