We teach our own syllabus for each dance style we teach, which have been designed especially for adult dancers.
We teach adult ballet, adult jazz, adult contemporary, and adult tap​
Main levels
We have 3 categories (beginner, intermediate, and advanced)
Each category is divided into two groups to create 6 levels:
Level 1: absolute beginner
Level 2: experienced beginner
Level 3: early intermediate
Level 4: experienced intermediate
Level 5: early advanced
Level 6: advanced
The sub-levels indicate how far into the level a given class is. Each level has four stages (A to D).
A Starting the level
B Progressing
C Completing
D Preparing for the next level​
The sub-levels are shown on some classes on the timetable if that class is at the start or end of the level, or if there are two classes that ar the same style and level, but at different sub-levels.
Moving through levels and sub-levels takes longer as the difficulty increases.
Level 1 can be completed in 1 to 1.5 years.
Level 2 can be completed in two years
Levels 3 and above may take four or more years to complete.
Multi-level classes
On our timetable, levels with a + after them indicate the class is suitable for that level and higher
Progression flowchart

Need help finding the right level?
Age Streams
As we progress through adulthood, our physical, cognitive, and social needs change. For this reas, we offer two age streams to cater to younger and more mature adults.
Our age stream classifications are a guide, rather than a hard and fast rule, so chat with us if you think you are better suited to an age stream that is different to your chronological age.
Mature Adult
Generally aged 60+
We help mature adults built strong and flexible bodies, and sustain sharp and agile minds. We still challenge you, but within the range that suits you. We don't consider you to be frail or old. You've just been on the planet longer.
Great music from all eras, but more likely to be classics from the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s, with a sprinkling of newer music.
Mixed Age
Starts from age 18, and majority of dancers are aged under 60.
Our mixed age stream welcomes dancers of all ages. These classes include more jumps, turns, and floorwork.
It is an opportunity to push your body within your technical skill levels.
In these classes, choreography is taught at a faster pace.
Great music from all eras, but more likely to be from the 90s to the 20s, with a sprinkling of classics from earlier decades.